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Episcopal Leadership 



Bishop Samuel L. Green Sr.

Bishop Green is the 125th elected and consecrated Bishop in the African Methodist Episcopal Church. He provides superlative leadership of the 7th Episcopal District and is one of the most dynamic, effective, creative and efficient leader in all of African Methodism.

Presiding Elder Rosalyn G. Coleman

Elder Coleman holds the distinction of being the first female Presiding Elder appointed in the 7th Episcopal District.
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Supervisor Phyllis N. Green

Supervisor Green serves alongside her brother-in-law, Bishop Green since 2009 and works with the Women's Missionary Society, the Young Peoples Division, the Christian Debs and Masters Commission and the Ministers Spouses Organization.
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A native of Georgetown, South Carolina, Reverend Rosalyn Grant Coleman is the eighth of nine children born to the Reverend and Mrs. Joseph J. Grant. There were four other ministers in her immediate family; her father and brother, both deceased and two sisters, who are currently serving in Atlanta Georgia.


Rev. Coleman earned her B.A. Degree in Psychology from Morris Brown College and the Master of Divinity Degree in Pastoral Care and Counseling from the Interdenominational Theological Center – Turner Theological Seminary in Atlanta, Georgia. She has had five years of clinical training in Clinical Pastoral Education (CPE) with the Academy for Pastoral Education, South Carolina Department of Mental Health. She is a Diplomate (Supervisor) with the College of Pastoral Counseling and Psychotherapy, Columbia Chapter CPSP.


She has served as Chaplain in the United States Air Force for a total of four years on extended and reserve duty, Pastor of Bethel A.M.E. Church, Laurens, South Carolina for one year and Pastor of Bishops’ Memorial A.M.E. Church for sixteen (16) years. While serving as pastor of Bishop’s Memorial, she was an instructor in the Religion Department of Allen University.


In November 1996, Bishop John Hurst Adams, Presiding Prelate of the Seventh Episcopal District, appointed her to the office of Presiding Elder of the Newberry-Spartanburg District, the first woman to hold this office in the State of South Carolina. In November 2006, Bishop Preston Warren Williams II, Presiding Bishop of the Seventh Episcopal District appointed her to serve in her home Conference as Presiding Elder of the Georgetown District. In November 2014, Bishop Richard Franklin Norris, Presiding Bishop of the Seventh Episcopal District appointed her as the Presiding Elder of the Columbia District. Concurrently serving through the church and the South Carolina Department of Mental Health (SCDMH), after being employed for over 28 years, she retired on June 30, 2016 as Chaplain at William S. Hall Psychiatric Institute.


Rev. Coleman has chaired and served on several boards, committees, civic, community and religious organizations. She is the founder of the Georgetown Outreach Ministries, Inc. and served as Board Chair until she was relocated back to Columbia, SC. She is a member of Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc. She is formerly married to the late Reverend Melvin Coleman and together they have one daughter, Kristen Michelle Coleman.


Rev. Coleman has a genuine love for people which flows naturally throughout her personal and professional relationships and work. 

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